Friday, December 5, 2008

New Home

I was going to give up on blogging. But my pushy friend, June, would not let me! So, here I am! June said she would miss me so much if I quit blogging and I just couldn't disappoint her! You know she drinks a little too much wine, every now and then, and I was afraid I would push her into being a full blown wino if I left the blogosphere. So..........hang around with me, won't you?


The Lady in Pearls said...

Oh Pat! I'm so glad to see that you decided to stay in the blogworld! You know I would completely lose it if you ever left!! ; )

JennyD said...

I may not be the first person to leave a comment, but I AM the first "follower", lol. See? Told you I'd be over here, Patsy. I wouldn't miss it for the world :D

Anonymous said...

If that posted twice, opps, sorry. I forgot to add my url so you could go from there.

Anonymous said...

Well Pat, I am glad your friend June set this place up for you.

Like you, I am really disappointed with Spaces now. I think it will be easier to move my blogging somewhere else... Like here too.

Now to work out how to join!

Kat said...

Hip Hip Hooray!!! Glad you decided to stay in it with us! I'm so happy!

Anonymous said...

Hi Pat! I've seen you around for a while, I think I'll follow you! Anyone that can make Junie that nuts is someone I want to know! LOL I'm glad you didn't leave.. Spaces has freaked us all out. I'm over here, too. Glad you're here..

Anonymous said...

Hi, sweetie, you had to know I'd come looking for you.
Love Al

Noanie said...

Well of course I'm going to follow you - how could I not?!?
Hope you like your new home and I'll always check in on you!
Be well. Peace

Gully Girl said...

Glad to see I'll still be able to keep up with you!! Yay!

Anonymous said...

Hey gal, found you, thks for hanging in there,lol, even if ur not on spaces. Glad u sent me ur address, have posted u on my puter.
Glad u enjoyed the xmas card, friends are hard to find these days, glad ur mine.
Always in friendship, Hugs & Blessings, Bonnie or trillium4fhtm to some. Love ya gal.

Auntie Jane said...

Well I am very grateful to both you and your friend... I have now managed to set up my own blogger site.

Seems quite a few of us Spaces lot are moving over to here.

The Lady in Pearls said...

Pat, I sent a private message to your spaces account with all of the info you need. Let me know if you need anything else!

Anonymous said...

I am putting this in my favorites in hopes I don't lose you!!

Beth Marie

Auntie Jane said...

Pat... You asked me how to set up a Blog list of your friends blogs or the ones that you read.
There appears to be two ways to do it. My first attempt left me with a list in my Profile page but not on the Blog page.

So I had to start again! I went into the Help age... and eventually found a load of YouTube help videos:

One of them tells you how to do it.
I downloaded a programme then started over adding all the blogs I read! Hope you can work it out.

Jane! said...

Can't wait!

Tracie said...

Good to see you over here!